When it comes to how people feel at the end of the day, the appropriate floor mat can make all the difference. If you work in a kitchen, at a standing desk, or in an industrial environment, your floor can cause PAIN or GAIN:

1. A good mat ensures secure footing:

Workers are similar to athletes in certain ways. Gloves, safety glasses, helmets, and padding are all provided. A lot of money goes into the equipment they need on the factory floor.

Even with the best equipment, these ‘industrial athletes’ can only play as well as the conditions on the field. When was the last time you examined your ‘field circumstances?’

Workers in slick regions, for example, have additional requirements to ensure their safety. Similarly, workers who spend the majority of their time standing have certain ergonomic needs. Workers who go up and down or side to side on the manufacturing floor require an ergonomic pathway that will not create a trip hazard as they ‘play their position.’

2. the proper matdoesn’t sap your energy; instead, it boosts it:

It is quantifiable that the correct ergonomic surface will bring so much advantage to the worker. Mats have been shown in studies to lessen the impact on employees’ joints by up to 50%. Because of the energy savings, workers’ joints are less impacted and skeletal and muscular (MSD) disorders are reduced over time. The correct mat functions almost like a hybrid car, saving energy in real-time.

People frequently express their need for a softer mat. It’s possible that they had a poor encounter with a mat that was either excessively harsh or didn’t help at all. But, first, let’s talk about ergonomics. Take, for example, an office chair. It may appear like having the softest chair in the office is a smart idea because it will ‘feel’ the greatest.

But would bringing a sofa chair up to your desk be acceptable or practical? No! What’s to stop you? Recliners provide comfort rather than ergonomics. They don’t make sitting at your desk and working attentively any simpler. They make it easy to sleep and snooze the entire day away. The need for “the softest mat” is the same. Softer mats, while they may appear to be a good idea at the time, might drain energy if they don’t provide the precise ergonomic support required.

3. like lines on the field, the right mat can guide the worker’s walk.

The lines on the field may be used by an athlete to determine how to run their route or where to cut. On the factory floor, the same is true when building a workspace or pathway.

Colored tapes have been used to designate the floor in the past. The tape has several drawbacks, including being difficult to see, requiring maintenance and replacement, and being readily broken.

One popular idea is to use colored Ergonomic tiles to cover the entire surface. Danger zones can be marked with red, yellow, blue, and green tiles, which can also be used to designate cart pathways and show workers where they can safely step.

4. The appropriate matting might help you see better and avoid injury.

It’s critical to indicate ‘out of bounds’ and hazard zones, especially on the production floor. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), a single slip injury can cost up to $45k in workers’ compensation, significantly more than the cost of installing the best matting and ergonomic flooring throughout a whole building.

As a result, visibility and unconsciously sensed warning signals can help avoid injuries and even save lives. Even if you only prevent one thing, it’s worth it.

5. on game day, the correct mat will keep workers in the building.

The top players are game-changers who are difficult to replace. The best teams are aware of this and strive to keep their finest players on the field at all times. This entails keeping those players off the injured list as soon as possible. The same is true when it comes to keeping your top staff on the job!

Heel pain, leg and back pain, and a range of other body disorders such as varicose veins can all be caused by standing on concrete or other hard surfaces. These issues develop at such a gradual pace that the changes are practically imperceptible until the damage has been done. Employees begin calling in sick, unable to work, once the harm has been done. Both the employee and the employer suffer, and the concrete is the only winner.

Overall, the custom rugs with logo make work easier by providing firm footing, faster by keeping worker energy, and keeping workers in the building by giving the field conditions they require to perform at their best.

By Gracie